Baileys Blog Search

26th July 2024

Plus 12 and dry when driving in.

Worcester.. Always good to see Clerk of The Course Libby O’Flaherty.. she is good at her job, but one of her first remarks to me is ‘always good to see you here Kim’..Not sure why?

It was the official opening of the new weighing room.. celebs there including Richard Phillips to help cut the ribbon.. It is a very good building and certainly those lucky enough to venture in professionally are very happy with the facilities which leave many courses looking rather old fashioned or very out of date..

Paul and Elizabeth Kellar and granddaughter Emmy were at Worcester to watch and support Elizabeth’s home bred Faerie Cutlass.. Lauren Keen Hawkins was riding, and we were all please with the way FC ran and the way LKH rode.. Second, yes annoying, but after an abortive trip to Cartmel where FC hated the tight course, it was good to see her run well again…

One of the reasons why FC went to Cartmel was because Paul and Elizabeth were on their way to Islay when their son William works at the Ardahoe Distillery .. Good news for the trainer was a bottle of their finest.. Thanks, William.

The great Istabraq died yesterday at the ripe old age of 32. A remarkable horse and brilliantly trained by Aiden O Brien.. 3 Champion hurdles and a very happy life in retirement.. Ther are videos of all his runs.. He was very very special. Read Alastair Down.

Talking Alastair. I met an Alistair Rogers this week.... He has the best job around.. Hosting fishing parties for Where Wise Men Fish..

Very fresh horses here this morning...

The Third Test against The West Indes starts today at Edgbaston.. Will Mark wood hit 100mph?

Olympic Games opening show tonight..

We also have one runner at Uttoxeter.. Gerard Mentor runs there and for my thoughts please click here,

Paul Kellar reminded me of an old fishing joke.. not too disimilar to one I put on here a week or so ago..

How do you catch so many fish and why do you choose which side of the river to fish?

Well if wife's leg hanging out of left side of bed, I fish the left bank.

If hanging out of right side, I fish the right bank. Never fails.

What if leg hanging out of both sides of bed?

Who cares about fishing!

Paul also asked me to add this caption to the family photo in the second enclosure..

When the Himalayan peasant meets the he-bear in his pride He shouts to scare the monster who will often step aside

But the she-bear thus accosted rends the peasant tooth and nail For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.

On that note Happy Birthday to Mat Nicholls.. on holiday..